Grenzgasse 81a
2344 Maria Enzersdorf
Buy an official excerpt from the Austrian Land Register of the property with the address Grenzgasse 81a in 2344 Maria Enzersdorf. Search for an address, house number and/or town to receive more excerpts!
Further Information to the address Grenzgasse 81a:
Following companies were found in the surrounding area:
Netz Niederösterreich Liegenschaftsbesitz 31 GmbH
EVN Beteiligung 52 GmbH
IMC Holding GmbH & Co KG
Enea Immobilien GmbH in Liqu.
PANTA RHEI Hetzl & Rohrweck OEG
DTZ Dialyse Trainings-Zentren Austria GmbH Rischka e.U.
Peak VisArt OG
"Sonnenhaus" Vermietungs GmbH